Parigi, Europa
La notte tragica nel cuore del nostro continente, le dirette dei giornali francesi, le testimonianze incrociate di due giornalisti dalla città colpita.

Visti i tragici accadimenti di Parigi, ci è sembrato normale sospendere la consueta rassegna del sabato.
Per chi volesse seguire dal vivo gli sviluppi dei fatti e le notizie in divenire, le fonti sono molte. Il canale all news France 24, ad esempio, ha una diretta aperta a tutti in streaming. Tutti i giornali del mondo stanno seguendo le vicende con aggiornamenti continui, come ben sapete; per chi volesse aggiornarsi dalle testate francesi, ovviamente le più colpite e le più vicine alla tragedia, qui le dirette di Le Monde, Le Figaro, e Liberation.
Molte le testimonianze che giungono in queste ore dalla capitale francese. Ne segnaliamo una doppia, incrociata, del giornalista del Financial Times Simon Kuper, il quale si trovava allo Stade de France per l’amichevole Francia – Germania e da lì ha scritto per il suo giornale, e di sua moglie, la scrittrice Pamela Druckermann, la quale nello stesso momento si trovava a cena con amici, sempre a Parigi ovviamente, e da lì ha scritto per il New York Times.
Scrive Kuper nel suo pezzo, fra le altre cose:
[…] Tonight my family will probably be OK. But after that? The whole point of Paris is to use the city. Everyone here lives in a cramped apartment. There are almost no back gardens where you can barbecue or play catch with the kids and shut yourself off from the world. You live in Paris to go out, to meet friends in cafés like the Bataclan, to have conversations with intelligent people from everywhere, to go to football matches or to the Louvre, near which there was a shooting tonight too. Paris is all about its public spaces — the cafés, the cultural venues and the squares. No city has better ones. And when those public spaces become dangerous — and the Parisian authorities have told people not to leave home unless “absolutely necessary” — the city crumbles […]
Aggiunge Druckermann nella sua testimonianza:
[…] A map comes on the television, showing the sites of two shootings. My home is on the other side of those two sites. Once again, it’s not just Paris that’s in the news — it’s my Paris. They’re some of the Right Bank “bobo” neighborhoods, former working-class districts now overrun by “bourgeois bohemians” like us […]
My hostess makes up some extra beds for the night. The couple from the dinner party are trying to figure out whether they can drive home, west of Paris. Their kids are fine, but now they’re home alone. My husband is still inside the stadium […]
The French president, who was also at the stadium for the France-Germany match, says France’s borders are closed. Apparently schools will be closed too. I learn the French word for curfew: couvre-feu. On the news they’re reporting that many people have died inside Le Bataclan. The numbers are unfathomable.
My kids are asleep. Their babysitter isn’t. All I keep thinking is: What will I tell them when they wake up? […]