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Nicolas Windings Refn, un regista daltonico

Una lunga e bella intervista al regista danese (vincitore del premio per la miglior regia all’ultimo Cannes e autore della serie di Pusher, oltre a Bronson e Valhalla Rising tra gli altri) che a breve uscirà in Italia con il suo ultimo lavoro Drive, pubblicata due giorni fa dal sito Tra le cose divertenti e/o interessanti, c’è Refn che ammette di essere daltonico, o che racconta di come Ryan Gosling, protagonista di Drive, sia stato scelto principalmente da sua moglie, un’accanita fan dell’attore canadese. Qui un paio di estratti:

Well, I’m color blind so I can only see contrast colors, so everything in the film has to have that contrast. Most of the film is shot with wide-angle lenses, like Valhalla Rising, and Bronson for that matter. Each movie I want to see the background more than anything else, you know, the framing of an image. I want you to see what’s behind the actor, what’s going on behind the character action. The movie was shot in seven weeks so we didn’t have a lot of time, but I’m used to it. I actually hired [Thomas Sigel] because of his anger. And we didn’t storyboard, so I would work with the actors to see what makes them comfortable, and then I would photograph it the way I wanted to see it.

Slant: How did you come about Ryan Gosling as an actor? Had you seen any of his films before meeting him?
NWR: I hadn’t seen all of his movies, but my wife really liked him, and I listen to her all the time. Ryan and I have a very telekinetic relationship, we’re like one mind.

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